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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Rankine's Assumptions for Earth Pressure Theory for Active/Passive Pressure

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Jul 29, 2017 / Tags: Theories
As originally proposed, Rankine's theory is applied to uniform cohesion-less soil only. Later it was extended to include cohesive soil by Bell in 1915. The following cases of active earth pressure on cohesionless backfill will now be considered: Dry or moist backfill Submerged backfill Partly submerged backfill Backfill with uniform surcharge Backfill with sloping surcharge

Types of Survey and Classification of Surveying

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Jul 29, 2017 / Tags: Types of, Definition
Surveying is indispensable to a number of human endeavor, which use surveying principles and practice to their required areas of application. The types of surveying and application are identified and explained below: 1. ALTA / ACSM survey 2. Archaeological survey 3. Agricultural development survey 4. As-built survey 5. Bathymetric survey 6. Construction survey

Comparison of Modes of Transportation

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Jul 29, 2017 / Tags: Types of
i) Route Flexibility: Can we take any route any time ( Not possible in case of railways) ii) Time flexibility: Can the vehicle move or stop any time ( for Railways, time scheduling is done to maintain certain distance between two trains moving on the same track in same direction) iii) Vehicle Flexibility: Whether various types of vehicles can be used on the facility or not. In case

Evolution of System of Transportation

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Jul 29, 2017 / Tags: Definition, Types of
“THE BRANCH OF ENGINEERING THAT FINDS WAYS TOWARDS SAFE, EFFICIENT, AND CONVENIENT MOVEMENT OF PERSONS AND GOODS USING LAND,AIR AND WATER”. Transport planning deals with planning transportation facilities which will be able to meet the present and future needs in a sustainable manner. It includes: Trip generation, Trip distribution, Mode

Methods of Locating New Stations in Surveying - Ranging and Chaining

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Jul 29, 2017 / Tags: How To
In surveying relative position of points are located by measurement from at least two points of reference, whose positions must be known already. Ranging is process of establishing Intermediate points on straight line between the terminal points or stations. Two methods can be employed depending on the intervisibility : Direct Ranging, Indirect Ranging: It Is used

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