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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Definitions of Technical Terms in Hydraulic Structures

When the angle between the headwork axis and the river axis exceeds 10°, the problem arises of concentration of flow on one side and island formation due to heavy silting within the guide bank on the other side. If the river axis is to the right of headwork axis, the concentration of flow is generally generally on the left side with consequent tendency to form an island

River Training Works - Methods, Benefits and Functions

Force the river into restricted channel, to ensure almost axial flow near the weir site. (embankments in continuation of G-Banks. To contain flood within flood plains). Provided on the upstream in order to protect the area from submergence due to rise in HFL, caused by afflux. Embankment type structures constructed transverse to river flood, extending from the

Ultimate Bearing Capacity

It is the least pressure which would cause shear failure if the supporting soil immediately below and adjacent to a foundation. The ultimate bearing capacity is defined as the maximum gross pressure intensity at the base of the foundation at which the soil does not fail in shear. When the term bearing capacity is used, it may be understood to be the Universal Building Code

Weathering - Definition and Types of Weathering

It is the process of weakening rock and producing a rock waste or soil cover. Weathering occurs when rocks and minerals comes in contact with the atmosphere, organic life and suicidal water. Essential feature of weathering is that it affects rocks in-situ (in place) and no transportation of material is involved. A part of rainfall always snips into the soil on the covered rocks

Structure Analysis - Introduction and Background

The determination of internal actions and deformations is called Structural Analysis OR The determination of response of the structure to loads. The process of determination can be by: Structural Analysis Softwares Manual manipulations and calculations Structural Analysis consists of: Analysis & Design of a structure

Definition of various Waste Water flow rates

Qavg is the daily average flow based on yearly data.. Normally, the treatment units are designed on the basis of daily average flow while peak and minimum flows are used to check the capacities of basin and conduits in extreme flow condition. Mass Loading Factor takes care for the fluctuation in wastewater flows and the respective characteristics loading parameters.

Traffic Volume Study - Definition, Methods and Importance

The term traffic volume study can be termed as traffic flow survey or simply the traffic survey. It is defined as the procedure to determine mainly volume of traffic moving on the roads at a particular section during a particular time. Toll Plazas are now a day constructed for the collection of revenue from the road users. This process is very efficient for collection of

True Stress & True Strain | Engineering Stress - Strain

The true stress (ø) uses the instantaneous or actual area of the specimen at any given point, as opposed to the original area used in the engineering values. The true strain (e) is defined as the instantaneous elongation per unit length of the specimen. The relationship between true stress and true strain i.e. the flow curve can be expressed using the power law:

Turbine - Definition and Types of Turbines

It is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy or hydraulic energy into electrical energy. Turbines can also be termed as machines extracting energy from fluids. Water driven tubes are used primarily for the development of hydro-electric energy. There can be two basic types of hydraulic turbines. In impulse turbines a free jet of water strikes the

Principles of Zoning in Urban Town Planning

It is the distribution or division of land (in town planning) into particular zones based upon some criteria or principles. The principles of zoning include the following elements which are given importance while zoning an area. Concentric growth: The growth of buildings which spread from a center in all directions is called concentric growth. These types of buildings

Stability - Stable & Unstable Structures & Members

The resistance offered by a structure to undesirable movement like sliding, collapsing and over turning etc is called stability. STABLE STRUCTURES: A stricter is said to be stable if it can resist the applied load without moving OR A structure is said to be stable if it has sufficient number of reactions to resist the load without moving. UNSTABLE STRUCTURE A structure which has

Surveying Dictionary Words Definitions Starting from T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

A tape is a flexible device used for measuring linear distances. There are tapes made of many materials, such as cloth, kevlar, steel, and invar. The most common tape used by surveyors is the steel tape. Standard lengths are 100 feet (for English unit surveys) or 30 meters (for SI unit surveys). Tapes are usually marked at every foot or meter. At the ends of the tape, there

Surge Tanks, Function and Types of Surge Tanks

Surge tank (or surge chamber) is a device introduced within a hydropower water conveyance system having a rather long pressure conduit to absorb the excess pressure rise in case of a sudden valve closure. The surge tank is located between the almost horizontal or slightly inclined conduit and steeply sloping penstock and is designed as a chamber excavated in the mountain.

What is the Definition of Territorial Survey?

It is the type of survey in which the study of Physical features, topographical features, atmosphere, contours, soil types and water resources of the area is done. Related Surveys: River Survey Photogrammetric Survey Geodetic Survey Tunnel Survey It is the type of survey in which the study of Physical features, topographical features, atmosphere, contours, soil types and water resources of the area is done.

Types of Survey and Classification of Surveying

Surveying is indispensable to a number of human endeavor, which use surveying principles and practice to their required areas of application. The types of surveying and application are identified and explained below: 1. ALTA / ACSM survey 2. Archaeological survey 3. Agricultural development survey 4. As-built survey 5. Bathymetric survey 6. Construction survey

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