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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Factors Affecting Selection of Construction Materials

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Feb 01, 2017 / Tags: Factors Affecting
Any material used for a construction purpose in the form of solid, semi-solid or liquid, processed or unprocessed (raw material) is known as construction material. A material engineer must be familiar with a wide range of materials used in a wide range of structures and is responsible for the following jobs with certain limits of compromises to be made on site.

What is Chlorine Demand

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Feb 01, 2017 / Tags: Definition
Chlorine demand refers to the amount of chlorine required to achieve a desired level of disinfection in water or wastewater treatment processes. When chlorine is added to water, it reacts with various substances present in the water, including organic matter, ammonia, and other chemicals. These reactions consume chlorine and reduce its

Classification of Urban Land Use

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Feb 01, 2017 / Tags: Types of, Land Use
Category includes all types of wholesale, retail and service activities serving areas larger than neighborhoods. Included in this category are the ff: Major Central Business Districts in urbanized areas Minor Central Business District in less urbanized areas Highway Service Centers or Commercial Strips such as highway gas stations, traveler's inn and restaurants

Classification of Irrigation Schemes

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Feb 01, 2017 / Tags: Irrigation Engineering
Irrigation Projects include storage dams, diversion works, barrages, lift irrigation schemes and tube wells. Irrigation Projects are divided into the following three categories viz., Major, Medium and Minor Projects. The criteria of classification is as under: Projects having CCA more than 10,000 ha. are classified as Major Projects Projects having CCA more than 2000 ha.

Constants in Building Design & Analysis

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Feb 01, 2017 / Tags: Design of
Constants in Building Construction, Design and Analysis. Foundation wall (gravity and soil lateral loads). Headers, girders, joists, interior load- bearing walls and columns, footings (gravity loads). Exterior load-bearing walls and columns (gravity and transverse lateral load). Roof rafters, trusses, and beams; roof and wall sheathing (gravity and wind loads). Floor diaphragms

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