Paints are used to protect metals, timber, or plastered surfaces from the corrosive effects of weather, heat, moisture or gases etc and to improve their appearance. Fundamental components of an oil-based paint are:
The process of determining by measurement, the relative positions of points above, on, or beneath the earth surface, in order to produce map or plan (which shows feature of the surface) in horizontal or vertical plane. The Term surveying refers to those measurements or operation, which deal in production of map or plan in horizontal plane.
Classification of timber:
Wood suitable for building or other engineering works is called timber
When it forms a part of a living tree, it is called standing timber
When the tree has been felled, it is called rough timber
When it has been sawn to various market forms such as beams, battens, planks etc, it is called converted timber
Soil is compacted into a mould in 3 - 5 equal layers, each layer receiving 25 blows of a hammer of standard weight. The apparatus is shown in Figure 1 above. The energy (compactive effort) supplied in this test is 595 kJ/m3. The important dimensions are:
Curing is a procedure that is adopted to promote the hardening of concrete under conditions of humidity and temperature which are conducive to the progressive and proper setting of the constituent cement. Curing has a major influence on the properties of hardened concrete such as durability, strength, water-tightness, wear resistance, volume stability, and resistance