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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Turbidity of Water sample Using Nephelometric Method

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 23, 2017 / Tags: Experiments, Lab-Notes, How To, Environmental Lab
Water is said to turbid when it is seen containing materials of suspension inside it. While turbidity may be defined as the measure of visible material in suspension in water, turbidity may be caused by algae or other organisms. It is generally caused by silt or clay. The amount and character of turbidity depends upon two things: Type of soil over which flows, The velocity of

Types of Stone Masonry - Rubble Masonry and Ashlar Masonry

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 23, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Stones, Types of
The art of building a structure in stone with any suitable masonry is called stone masonry. Stone masonry may be broadly classified into the following two types: 1. Rubble Masonry 2. Ashlar Masonry. The stone masonry in which either undressed or roughly dressed stone are laid in a suitable mortar is called rubble masonry. In this masonry the joints are not of uniform

Experiment To Find PH Value of Given Water Sample

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 23, 2017 / Tags: Experiments, Lab-Notes, Environmental Lab
"PH" value is the measure of concentration of hydrogen in water it shows the alkanity or acidity of water. Mathematically PH may be defined as: The negative log of hydrogen ion concentration. This reaction shows that the number of H4 and OH ions are equal experimentally it has been proved that the product of concentration of H4 and OH is a constant quality K,

Finding Total Hardness Of Water Using EDTA Method

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 23, 2017 / Tags: Experiments, Lab-Notes, Environmental Lab
Hard water is generally considered to be one which requires considerable amount of soap to produce foam or leather. Hard water cause scale formation in boilers heaters and hot water pipes. The rain water catches CO2 from the atmosphere when the water pass through CaCO3 rock in the Soil, these compounds make the water hard. Calcium and magnesium chlorides

Determination of Suspended Solids in Water

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 23, 2017 / Tags: Lab-Notes, Experiments, How To
The total dissolved solids mainly consist of the test that acts as a check on detailed analysis. Another useful aspect is that electric conductivity can be continuously recorded. Any sudden change indicate a change of water. A treatment method can be there fore instantly detected. Determination of total solids is used in two operations. In developing a potential source

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