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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Types of Cement & Characteristics of each Type

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 19, 2017 / Tags: Cements, Types of
Type V: When concrete is exposed to highly alkaline soil or water having high sulphate content then this type is used. This cement has a low C3A content so as to avoid sulphate attack from outside the concrete. Otherwise the formation of calcium sulphoaluminate and gypsum would cause disruption of conrete due to an increase in volume of resultant compounds.

Engineering Properties of Cement

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 19, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Cements, Material Properties
Concrete is a compound material made from sand, gravel and cement. The cement is a mixture of various minerals which when mixed with water, hydrate and rapidly become hard binding the sand and gravel into a solid mass. The oldest known surviving concrete is to be found in the former Yugoslavia and was thought to have been laid in 5,600 BC using red lime

Properties of Fresh Concrete and Factors Affecting Properties

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 19, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Definition, Factors Affecting, Material Properties
Fresh concrete is that stage of concrete in which concrete can be moulded and it is in plastic state. This is also called "Green Concrete". Another term used to describe the state of fresh concrete is consistence, which is the ease with which concrete will flow. The transition process of changing of concrete from plastic state to hardened state. Setting of concrete is

Properties of Hardened Concrete | Strength, Creep, Shrinkage

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Admixtures, Material Properties
It is mainly due to the binding properties of cement that the ingredients are compacted together. If the paste has higher binding strength, higher will be strength of concrete. It is mainly the aggregate that provide strength to concrete especially coarse aggregates which act just like bones in the body. Rough and angular aggregate provides better bonding and

Batching, Mixing, Placing and Compaction of Concrete

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Definition, Admixtures, Types of
Is the process of measuring concrete mix ingredients either by volume or by mass and introducing them into the mixture. Traditionally batching is done by volume but most specifications require that batching be done by mass rather than volume. Percentage of accuracy for measurement of concrete materials as follows. When the quantity of cement to

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