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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

Canal Comes Alive with Lighted Boat Parade.

Hot Weather Concreting | Definition, Problems Effects

Author: Syed Ahmad Amin Shah / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Factors Affecting, Definition
ACI 305 “Hot Weather Concreting” defines hot weathers as any combination of the following conditions that tends to impair the quality of the freshly mixed or hardened concrete: The success of many hot-weather concreting operations depends on the steps taken to slow the cement hydration reactions within the concrete and to minimize the rate of evaporation of

Cold Weather Concreting ACI 306 - Cold Weather Concrete

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Notes
ACI 306 “Cold Weather Concreting” defines cold weather concreting as a period when for more than three (3) consecutive days, the following conditions exist: The average daily air temperature is less than 5°C (40°F) and, The air temperature is not greater than 10°C (50°F) for more than one-half of any 24 hour period. ete placed during cold weather will develop

Creep in Concrete and Effects of Creep of Concrete

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Definition, Factors Affecting
Concrete creep is defined as: deformation of structure under sustained load. Basically, long term pressure or stress on concrete can make it change shape. This deformation usually occurs in the direction the force is being applied. Like a concrete column getting more compressed, or a beam bending. Creep does not necessarily cause concrete to fail or break apart. Creep

Definition and Types of Concrete Shrinkage

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Definition, Types of, Notes
Concrete is subjected to changes in volume either autogenous or induced. Volume change is one of the most detrimental properties of concrete, which affects the long-term strength and durability. To the practical engineer, the aspect of volume change in concrete is important from the point of view that it causes unsightly cracks in concrete. We have discussed elsewhere the

Definition and Methods of Curing of Concrete

Author: Haseeb Jamal / Date: Mar 18, 2017 / Tags: Notes, Definition, Types of
Curing can be described as keeping the concrete moist and warm enough so that the hydration of cement can continue. More elaborately, it can be described as the process of maintaining a satisfactory moisture content and a favorable temperature in concrete during the period immediately following placement, so that hydration of cement may continue until

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