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Feb 26, 2016 / Haseeb Jamal -

5 Travel Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Types of Aqueducts Based on Design, Materials, Functions

Aqueducts and Siphon aqueducts can be classified into different types based on various factors such as their design, construction, materials used, or specific features. Here is a general overview of the classification of aqueducts and siphon aqueducts based on some common factors:

Selection of Site for Cross Drainage Works

The factors which affect the selection of suitable type of cross drainage works are: 1. Relative bed levels and water levels of canal and drainage. 2. Size of the canal and drainage. 3. When the bed level of the canal is much above the HFL of the drainage, an aqueduct is the obvious choice. 4. When the bed level of the drain is well above FSL of canal, super passage is provided

Selection of a Suitable Site and Type of Cross Drainage Work

At the site, the drainage should cross the canal alignment at right angles. Such a site provides good flow conditions and also the cost of the structure is usually a minimum. The stream at the site should be stable and should have stable banks. For economical design and construction of foundations, a firm and strong sub-stratum should exit below the bed of the drainage at a
By Haseeb Jamal - Jun 09, 2017

Phreatic Line and Horizontal Drain In Earth Fill Dams

Earth dams are generally built of locally available materials in their natural state with a minimum of processing. Homogeneous earth dams are built whenever only one type of material is economically available. The material must be sufficiently impervious to provide an adequate water barrier and slopes must be relatively flat to make it safe against piping and sloughing.

Importance of Drainage in Roads

An increase in moisture content causes decrease in strength or stability of soil mass, depending on type of soil and mode of stress application. Following are some of the effects of poor drainage system in Roads and Highways: Highway constructed on embankment slopes may damage due to slop failures the reason for which is excess moisture content which causes increase

Why Urban Drainage Systems are necessary

Urban drainage systems are needed in an area because of interaction between human activity and natural water cycle. This interaction has two main forms; The abstraction of water from the natural cycle to provide water supply for human life; Covering of land with impermeable surfaces that divert rainwater away from the local natural system of drainage. If untreated

Purpose and Objectives of Urban Drainage System

Additionally, the impact of drain and sewer systems on the receiving waters shall meet the requirements of national regulations (NEQS) or the relevant authority. The purpose of Urban drainage is: It is the control of environmental pollution, improve environmental quality to enable healthy ecosystem and comfortable habitation to human. To maintain such

Highway Drainage Design, Structures and Guidelines

Includes collecting, transporting, and disposing of surface/subsurface water originating on or near the highway right of way or flowing in streams crossing bordering that right of way. Drainage of highway is important because water damage highway structure in many ways. The water which are dangerous for highways are: Rainwater: Cause erosion on surface or may

Definition and Types of Cross Drainage Works

A cross drainage work is a structure carrying the discharge from a natural stream across a canal intercepting the stream. Canal comes across obstructions like rivers, natural drains and other canals. The various types of structures that are built to carry the canal water across the above

Causes, Importance And Prediction of Flood

Flood is a natural even which has always been an integral part of geological history of earth. It occurs along rivers, streams and lacks. Most of the hydraulic are designed on flood record. Small hydraulic structures are based on a minimum of 25 years flood records e.g all structure constructed in the canal, soil conservation practices etc. Large irrigation projects are based on 100

Uses of Base Cross Drain

A subsurface drain, generally perpendicular to the roadway alignment, designed to drain infiltrated water. Often needed at bridge abutments, toll plazas, and across the road on long downgrades. The main purpose of the cross-drain is to channel water from above the path to the lower side. The source of the water may be from small streams, springs, mossy

Stopping Erosion of Natural Drainage Soil

Natural drainage pattern is the route through the rain/other water flows following the natural gradient till it reach some final outlet point where it meets a bit larger course of water. Sometimes the construction of new structures in the way of natural drainage causes its blockage which is needed to be avoided. When this drain water flows through its course it may cause the
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