Infrastructure of Intelligent Transport Systems

ITS infrastructure is composed of many systems that work together to perform integrated functions. ITS infrastructure includes the following systems:
- Traffic signal control systems
- Freeway management systems
- Transit management systems
- Regional Multi-Modal traveler information system
- Emergency management systems
- Electronic toll collection system
- Incident management program
- Notification or detection of the incident
- Verification of the incident
- Incident response
- Scene management
- Traffic management
- Incident clearance
- Railroad grade crossing warning system
- Electronic fare payment system
- Toll Collection
- Transit Fare payment system
- Parking fee payment
- Multi-use payment
1. Traffic signal control systems
2. Freeway management systems
3. Transit management systems
4. Regional Multi-Modal traveler information system
5. Emergency management systems
6. Electronic toll collection system
7. Incident management program
a. Notification or detection of the incident
b. Verification of the incident
c. Incident response
d. Scene management
e. Traffic management
f. Incident clearance
8. Railroad grade crossing warning system
9. Electronic fare payment system
a. Toll Collection
b. Transit Fare payment system
c. Parking fee payment
d. Multi-use payment
Importance of Intelligent Transportation
- Demand for travel is expected to increase by 50% over next 20 years.
What ITS does differently?
- ITS has the ability to learn and adapt to changing scenarios