When water becomes stationary, the heavier and larger suspended particles settle down quickly and the lighter and finely divided particles settles very slowly and even takes months. Ground waer is less turbid because of low velocity of water. turbidity may be helpful for controlling growth of paganisms by not allowing proper sunlight to water which is necessary for thier growth on the other hand it is harmful as the organisms are handling to the suspended particles.
There are Various units for the measurement of turbidity which are:
- Standard turbidity unit[mg/lit or ppm]
- Jackson turbidity unit [J.T.U]
- Nephelometric turbidity unit [N.T.U]
A device called nephelometric turbidity measures the turbidity of water in N.T.U
the intensity of light after passing through the water gives a measure of turbidity of water.
WHO guideline value:
WHO suggested a guideline value for turbidity as [N.T.U]for disinfection the turbidity of water should be less than 1 N.T.U.
W.H.O Nephelometric turbidity meter for mazine solution of the sample by multiplying the scale reading by 0.9 N.T.U, 9 N.T.U, 99 N.T.U, test tubes and water samlples.
Switch on the power supply and cheak the battery of the turbidimeter,
Press the 1 N.T.U button and concide the scale with zero by using focusing template.
Again press 1 N.T.U button and concide the scale with zero using the focusing template.
A Standard formazine solution of N.T.U is placed on tubidimeter in the path of rays and scale is brought 9 n.t.u
The Water sample is taken in a test and is placed in turbidimeter.
Use A Cell rise if the turbidity is more than 100 N.T.U and get the turbidity dilution factor.