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Civil Lectures Notes Engineering Geology Introduction to Seismology and geology



Engineering Geology and Seismology



Introduction to Engineering Geology

Introduction to Engineering Seismology

Identification of minerals

  1. Streak
  2. Color
  3. Hardness: Moh's scale of hardness
  4. Cleavage
  5. Fracture
  6. Luster
  7. Color

Geology used in Civil Engineering


Importance of seismology in civil engineering practice

  1. Continental drift, plate tectonic and elastic rebound theory
  2. Types of Seismic waves
  3. Earthquakes: Causes and effects
    Intensity and magnitude scale
  4. Engineering Seismology
  5. Earthquake observation: Seismograph and accelerograph
  6. Characteristics of strong motion: amplitude, duration and frequency
  7. Seismic hazard
  8. Local site effects
  9. Seismic risk: Vulnerability, exposure and hazard


What is engineering geology?

Seismology is study of the generation, propagation and recording of the elastic waves and the source that produce them.

Engineering geology is the application of geological data, techniques and principles to the study of rock and soil surfacing materials, and ground water. This is essential for the proper location, planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering structures.


Recommended Books

Earthquakes by Bruce A. Bolt

Geology: General and Engineering by K.M. Bangar

Importance of engg geology in Civil Engineering practice


What does Engineering Geology study?

Rock, soil, water and the interaction among these constituents, as well as with engineering materials and structures.



Why to study Engineering geology?

Serve civil engineering to provide information in 3 most important areas:
  1. Resources for construction; aggregates, fills and borrows.
  2. Finding stable foundations
  3. Mitigation of geological hazards; Identify proplems, evaluate the costs, provide information to mitigate the problem


Keywords: geological engineering, engineering geologists, engineering geology course, introduction to seismology

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